Pecan officerPecan WIMTibbles JACJAC Bella, Tibbles, DahliaKiffCallie HeathherDude at JACJoy C Ste AnneWestJAC Bella, DahliaGroup 2019Angus BF fairKeikpAngus K LMuppetEddie 03-2023EdwardLuci and AngusBruno MKCosmos 2022-09NoeeDakota WIM 1Albus JACEddie and Fergie 2023-09Bella 2023 JACStella Beaconsfield fairDahlia 2020Stella C GErica at Kirkland LibraryFidji MK 2023Amazon - West, Stella, AngusErica 2022-07Al, Cosmos JACPecan 2023Tibbles C Ste Anne !Callie CPAT tableFidji VS PFRudyCali LachineShayne SAliceFilouChanelleRufusArrowBella 2019ChilliSgt Pepper CamLolitaHarveyAmazon YUL9 Group 3BMaraJoy LiloRufus 2022NeroTibbles C Ste AnneCharlie LachineAngus Cam 1Manoir Kirkland 2024GRBA ladiesDakota WIMKiff JACRenzoNala AStromont Al, West, Abbey, Tibbles 2023-10BubbaStella 2022-03Cosmos C Ste AnneDude - paramedic studentsGRBA groupDude MMESCharlie 2023Erica 2022Sam M VFidji 2023-09 MKRomeoManoir Kirkland 2023Bella C Ste AnneTessaDakota MWIAbbey MKFergie 2023Cosmos C Ste Anne 1Angus CamRustyStella CGSam GRBA (1)Bella JACStella MKPecan LachineBelleCosmos readHappyTibbles K LFidji SantaShantiRusty BuddySam MVDakota LachineEdward rabiCharlie evalThank you!Bruno, StellaStella 2021-10Dude and EricPecan KiffBelle, TibblesTuna evalChanelle BarbaraRomeoPeanutPepperPecan 2021