Stella MKCosmos readSam M VDude MMESStella CGBelle, TibblesAngus BF fairPecan 2021Bruno MKMaraRustyThank you!Rusty BuddyArrowTibbles C Ste Anne !Pecan WIMCosmos C Ste Anne 1Eddie and Fergie 2023-09Erica 2022-07Fidji MK 2023Shayne SBruno, StellaCali LachineTibbles C Ste AnneBella 2023 JACPecan officerPeanutErica 2022Bella 2019NoeeHappyPecan LachineCharlie evalBelleErica at Kirkland LibraryJAC Bella, DahliaBubbaSgt Pepper CamAl, Cosmos JACBella JACFidji 2023-09 MKFilouRufus 2022Edward rabiDahlia 2020Chanelle BarbaraFergie 2023Cosmos C Ste AnnePecan 2023Group 2019Pecan KiffNeroLuci and AngusDakota WIMTuna evalRudyKiffAlbus JACDakota MWIChanelleAbbey MKCallie CPAT tableTibbles K LChilliGRBA groupKiff JACBella C Ste AnneCosmos 2022-09TessaJoy C Ste AnneAmazon YUL9 Group 3BTibbles JACStella 2021-10Stella C GNala ADude and EricDakota LachineJoy LiloRomeoLolitaDude - paramedic studentsFidji VS PFCallie HeathherAngus K LRenzoStella Beaconsfield fairAmazon - West, Stella, AngusAngus Cam 1AliceDude at JACKeikpJAC Bella, Tibbles, DahliaHarveyShantiFidji SantaRufusDakota WIM 1Stella 2022-03Manoir Kirkland 2023EdwardManoir Kirkland 2024Angus CamSam MVCharlie 2023Charlie LachineEddie 03-2023GRBA ladiesSam GRBA (1)RomeoWestPepperStromont Al, West, Abbey, Tibbles 2023-10Muppet